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The Mystic and The Global Mind


The Mystic and The Global Mind

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Few of you have met her, though she has been with us @ Creator's Child for close to 20 years. Apart from being someone on the Kundalini Awakening/ Devi Pathway, Soujanya is on the forefront of mobile technology, part of a team that co-developed 5 G technology. And today is part of a niche team with highly secret applications. 

Now as many of you know there are many drivers to Spiritual Awakening. Among the most powerful and ferocious is what is loosely termed Dance with The Shaktis. 

Dancing with The Shaktis...

But Dancing with The Shaktis, even in its gentle form, that we guide seekers with, is extraordinarily challenging. For The Shaktis are stimulated by what we humans call primal drives... 

Consider this, instead of the word 'stimulated', I was about to use triggered, instead the shaktis asked me to use the word stimulated, and not just plain stimulated but stimmmmulayyyted as if each moment is savoured, the full delight known, as if every moment gently simmers in a master chef's kitchen with exquisite sensitivity. For some this means every moment is orgasmic, the mere act of putting on socks trembly with delight, more sensual than sex... We are using a sensual-sexual metaphor, that approaches what many feel, but it isn't what it is about... for others it is better described by extreme tanginess in almost everything... Like standing out in biting rain, all the time, every moment alive... Others speak of it more like a classical music critic's ear exquisitely aware of the trajectories of the music in 7 D, seeing connections, aware of the slightest quaver and demi-quaver of meaning. 

Dancing with Shaktis

Living with The Shaktis is Electrifying... and Challenging...

Consider this; One day, Soujanya was uncertain as she drove to a meeting. This uncertainty triggered the Shaktis to offer reassurance... She became aware of every strand of fabric that touched her body, the very fiber of her clothes became like a child's fingers saying "mama it's ok". It was like a massage, very calming. So calming she almost fell asleep at the wheel. 

Arriving at work she had a coffee to wake up. Sorry, that's not correct. Rather the coffee had her... One part of her greater self poured down her gullet, twisted round her stomach, sloshed like an Olympic slalom champion down her gut, seeped into her villi, ran down her veins... In short, she felt awake and disoriented.

Then at the meeting, the boss at some point theatrically opened his mouth with an "I really think"... At which point Soujanya's gut churned... For at a deeper level she became aware of the pranic activity of 17 bacteria in her boss's mouth... While being this hyperaware she had to make a presentation on abstruse aspects of 5g signal issues... 

Great Power... Demands Intense Growth...

Now as you can see The Shaktis allow us to tap an extreme range of inner awareness and force... And yet the sheer power of it makes it difficult to handle and control...

Yes, compared to someone on another spiritual trajectory, the spiritual vehemence for someone on the shakt path is far greater... As much as thrice the power flows through inner nadis... But this power is not easily handled...

When Chitra experienced the fury of inner awakening, for days after The Kashi Pilgrimage she could barely stand... When Rachna Pandey opened to The Kundalini's force the waves and waves of force threatened to innundate... When Savitha B was touched by The Kundalini it felt as if the world had turned to flame...

For Soujanya the shakti's presence is marked by hyper senses and acute vibrations... Now we have spoken about how 'noisy' these vibrations can be, in a few other articles... Example : – 

Being able to handle the flood of aliveness, power, joy, ecstasy, creativity, longing, rage, transcendence calls for growth. The inner body needs to be able to take it. The inner nadis need to grow. One's ability to take each of the challenges thrown up by varioius chakras and levels of the psyche need to intensify.

And the universe chooses different ways to build up the inner structures. Inward exercises are always tested. For example, for Soujanya she had to prove her ability to take on root chakra issues by her ability to rapidly heal an injured spine tip, deal with joint issues, take on the insecurity of a turbulent career patch, deal with her husband's death through cancer, walk with him through the corridors of death, accompany him as he decided whether to return to earth or no, and even help choose the womb he would be born into... Sometimes half-knowingly she took on the wrenching nausea of the young mother birthing her passed-on-husband... And then had to face intense pain as her once-husband died days after child birth... And all the time while going through twists of the inner universe deal with a job that requires extreme rational precision...

And while this is going on, there is a roar... in every vein, every cell, an ache, a joy, an ecstasy, a celebration... exploding, reverberating, screaming, twisting, stretching, yanking, pounding... Now throwing up new passions... suddenly in snow season the intense desire to run like wolf in snow... In blizzard to throw off the layers of warmth and dance with wind... To hear the whisper of a bird 4 blocks down... To pick a curio and feel the life of the craftsman... To sit at work, and while crafting a technology suddenly sense how the unfurling of a universe, the pulse of a radio-star is linked to 7 g...

But are Shakti Vibrations just Ecstasy on Tap?

Well, for Soujanya the inner tamasha has been going on for close to 3 years. Having secret drummers in her body... Doing drum solo after solo... 

In an earlier article, Col Sidhu wondered what the vibrations he had experienced as a 13 year old were... { Glimpse The God Beyond Gods: The TriNetra TriShakti Experience.}

Many hearing about a Kundalini or other awakening sometimes wonder if the vibrations are just superheated hormones or over-excited nerves... obviously some of the vibes are just that...

But however delightful {or disturbing} these vibrations are one must ask, are they just feel-good, just a higher joy of being. Like having ecstasy on tap, or the orgasmic as every-now?

In a true awakening, kundalini or otherwise, the vibrations are the psychic body resonating to a greater force. As we saw earlier in the article, the inner vibrations bring a depth of experience even intelligence... how many here recall the story of The Great Mathematicial Ramanujam... inspired by his Goddess, do read up about it?

Ok, Ecstasy on tap and a Spiritual Internet activated, but is there more?

In the spiritual Dance be it with The Shaktis or The Creator you are not just passively resonating with the divine... The Shaktis, The Creator's Vibrations are The Foundations of Existence, the vibrations are active, and can accomplish vast action...

Yes, there is more... Spiritual Growth ultimately means one claims many of the powers freedoms of God...

The Core Statement of Creator's Child "Know God. Use God. Be God." is not just a hip-hip-hurray, in very real ways each of you have claimed God's Freedoms.

Tanya n God

Growing Big Enough for Cosmic Actions...

As we looked at Soujanya's inner nadis in Dec 21/Jan 22 we realised that over time her inner being has stabilised to a greater extent. The inner streams that have flowed through her inner body are deeply ingrained enough for her to be capable of truly global psychic action. She could use her power. Not just at an individual level, as most healers can {She has helped a patient fight cancer, helped a lost soul find mooring}, but she could yet again try to use her power at a greater level.

When most speak of miracles they speak of reversing illness, cheating death, brightening a mind... All certainly good things... And impressive too... But nowhere close to the real vastness of spiritual action possible... What do we mean by this?

Imagine with your inner clarity, and power being able to shift the seasons, to support all mankind through a turbulent phase, to inspire minds to invent new discoveries, to create portals to other planets, to shake a sleeping Merlin awake... to invite a higher race of consciousness to The Earth, to inspire new ways to live together in harmony, to change the course of The Earth from catastrophe to triumph...

We said, Soujanya could yet again try to use her power at a greater level... Yes, this is the third time she has used her deeper force to its fuller extent.

The first time we helped her to change a weather pattern, so the temperature in her part of the county was appreciably different from the predicted pattern.

The second time she used the inner force at a vaster level, was when she connected to an earth beast and helped it work more surely with the land masses around.

But before we got Soujanya to do this we first tuned into the vibrations that flowed through her... Then using its power touched each of her 11 energy bodies... each came alight. She was questioned as to where and how we touched her 111 times. Fully alight... she was ready. What did it feel like? Think of ALIVE x 11. Soujanya was in a deep trance. It felt she was in a hypnotic-volcanoe.

Now that her greater being had come alive we helped her taken on a global task... Er... Which was? We offered her a range of choices. She chose Calming the Global Mind. First she had to locate it, hold it, very gently let the Cosmic vibrations of the Shaktis gentle the mass mind... 

Very gently she had to touch the skin of the mass mind. Tarun merged his hands with hers, and slowly began to soothe, smooth the mass mind of billions of creatures on earth... Minutes, close to an hour passed before we stopped... By now Soujanya's mind was like a Stradivarius Violin in a maestro's hand... We slowly brought the session to a close... 

Reality Check...

Now it is easy in spiritual work to fool ourselves... to lose ourselves in hyperbole and exaggeration... 

After the session was over, I checked with Celia what she felt about the session, which I had been conducting over the cellphone in another distant room... Celia who cross-checks on the energy aspects of intense sessions... Celia said "obviously I wasn't paying attention to what was being said, but after awhile I saw a vast ocean, across it a line was being drawn... It felt true..." 

Soujanya had genuinely touched the mass mind of the world. Perhaps just shifted a single wave, or perhaps a current... or maybe more...

The mind goes back 20 years, to an evening... We were on our terrace in Cambridge layout, Celia, Tanya and I were lazing, looking up at the evening sky... Tanya had just been introduced to her spirit guide... She looked up and had exclaimed... "Are those my guides in the sky?" "Yes", we answered then asked Tanya "Ask them what are they doing?" She got the answer "They are cleansing the Mind of the World." 

Like a great spirit who has been in high spiritual planes for 'centuries', Soujanya has claimed for an hour great freedom...

As many here have...

How many remember the time {A decade ago was it?} when we were dealing with a nuclear-water tragedy, and the water in bowls in a meditaing group's room began to turn through the power of vibrations. Healing for Japan.

Closer still, some recall the time when we attempted to soothe a forest fire and the resultant cataclysmic storm whose cooling rain helped limit the damage.

Help Bandipur

Just years ago, some recall when Seeker Sidhu spoke to an earthquake pattern...

Even closer still, many participated in healing an Archangel wounded in battle and actually helped...

Now, in daily life the bulk of our intuition, healing, guidance goes to revive one bird, help one sufferer from heart disease, inform one worried human to take an inspired choice, help a spouse worry a little less, break one man free of addiction, strengthen one relationship, clarify one puzzled human's path... take one step more surely to the light...

But there are times, rare moments, when we can for a moment or a day see ourselves as more...

We are Cosmic Beings in human form. If we push, trust, set ourselves on fire we can at times wake sleeping giants, or discover mega levers... that make a vast difference...

Today was a good day, we have once again glimpsed what divine action truly can be... 



Global Mind Opportunity

For a week your global connections are greatly strengthened. How can you send the force out? Try the modality we shared @ diwali time!


-- Soujanya's Spiritual Action as related by Celia & Tarun Cherian

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Collage Images Courtesy david-matos, greg rakozy, nastya-dulhiier @, nasa